What is our purpose?
I trust you have some ideas on why you are living, well our pupose in how we live is the area I am really interested in. Most people I ask, say, “To be Happy” or ” To care for my Family”. For me after 76 years of living I feel they is something far more and if you are interested then read on.
Our purpose in life is the greatest question for us all and often rarely considered. In the UK it is never addressed in schools for young people to consider.
Life’s most important question is, why do we do what we do? By answering the why then the what and how become what makes us who we really are. Going to work, having a family is in part what we do with our lives. This comes down to answering the following question and how does that affect us?
Are we created by a creator?
If there is no creator and everything has happened by chance, then there is no overriding reason in life, other than living. Everyone can then decide for themselves what their purpose in life is. People can then only agree to be ruled by the laws of the society they happen to live in. There is no Heaven or Hell and no reward or punishment for the way we live.
If there is a creator, then we have been designed and so our purpose is set by the creator. As we have freewill, it makes sense a creator would then want us to know what our purpose is. There is one prophet, a Jew named Joshua who stated he was the Son of the Creator and tells us our purpose is to recognise his Father’s ways, live to them and so fulfil the purpose we were created for, to live in a way that shows we are acceptable to be taken into his kingdom
All faiths accept there is a spiritual connection to something beyond our knowledge and it is where all faiths start. Each individual should be able to find that connection. This is why dictatorships and all forms of slavery would be against the Creator’s purpose. Do we care for this world? Do we do Good, or Evil? Do we want to know our creator and live to his ways? Or do we put ‘Self’ first?The Golden Rule is at the heart of all faiths and tells us to ’Treat others as we would want to be treated by them’ or ‘Do to others as we want done to us’, and Joshua’s words, (Matthew 22:39) Love your neighbour as yourself.
Evidence of a Creator?
The evidence of creation is in the design and creation of everything. Just reflect upon the amazing creation we are living in and our own remarkable body and mind. Consider what is necessary for life to exist on this world; the way the earth has to turn, its magnetic field, the soil, sky, water, clouds, wind, and all the plants and animals, each with their unique DNA genetic code. Then we have our spiritual side, which is who we really are, how we display; love, hate, caring, greed, honesty anger, joy, disgust, happiness, fear and trust. Prophets were sent to guide us, history being changed by an intervening hand, which the Jews can testify to, along with prayers being answered and of course prophesies being made and coming true.
The purpose of our creation.
We are told in the beginning, the Human race was created to care for the world and should we live to God’s ways then we will continue our lives in heaven. Joshua tells us, he will be the judge of all people and he decides if we are to be accepted into His Father’s Kingdom or we are not. If we become a follower of Joshua and keep to his teaching then we will be forgiven and accepted into his Father’s Kingdom, all others will be judged by him accordingly.
God in action.
Many will witness that their prayers have been answered. Many types of healing have been made. We have faith which responds within us to an awareness of God’s presence. Read the Old Testament, this Bible History details God’s involvement in informing, helping, judging and punishing his special people. He exiled his chosen people twice, the first time for 70 years for not keeping to his ways and the second time for 70 generations for crucifying his son, Joshua. Since then we can see his involvement with the Christian and Islamic faiths and so many other events to, like in my mind, stopping Hitler from using the atomic bomb.
Does Satan exist?
Joshua tells us Satan does exist and has influencers (called Demons) these are to persuade people to disregard the existence of God and Satan, plus to get us to do the things that would displease God so we would then enter Satan’s kingdom. Satan will encourage people to put self first and strive for power and wealth, which is why Joshua criticized so many leaders and those who were rich.
Joshua’s life and main teachings.
- God so loved the world that he sent Joshua, his only Son and whoever believes on him will have eternal life.
- Joshua was sent by God to show us the right way to live.
- Joshua proved he was God’s Son by his miracles and healings.
- Joshua is the way the truth and the life.
- In Joshua is life and the life is the light of all people.
- Joshua taught the purpose of life was to love God and in loving God we will be chosen to live with him in his kingdom.
- The greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and the second, is to love your neighbour as yourself.
- We must be born twice, physically and spiritually.
- We need to be forgiving, truthful, peacemakers and righteous.
- Joshua showed leadership is not being served, but to serve.
- Accepting Joshua as our Lord gives us God’s Spirit to guide us.
- Satan is Lord of the world, he turns people away from God.
- There is a heaven and a hell and there will be a final judgement.
- There is life after death and we go to either Heaven or Hell.
- Joshua is the judge of all people when we die.
- If we love God or Joshua we can be forgiven and go to Heaven.
- Faith in Joshua enables us to do greater things than he did.
- We are to witness the life and love of Joshua, God’s own Son.
- We are to ask God for what we want, yet this needs to be what Joshua would ask for, since we are to ask for it in his name.
- Joshua died because he said he was The Messiah, God’s Son.
- Joshus rose from his grave to live again.
- God Loves us and wants us to love as he loves!
The Final Judgement.
Joshua tells us there will be a final judgement where everyone who has ever lived will be either, accepted into his Father’s Kingdon or rejected. From the history of the Jews, we know God will punish and will also forgive. Looking at the history of the world we can also see where God has intervened. With the way the world is currently, we could understand that the time of the final judgement would be close but no one does know when it will happen.
The Jews, his special people, know God loves them, yet he punished them a number of times because they did not keep the covenant he set up with Abraham. They were to be sent into the first exile for 70 years and Isaiah, Jeremiah and Danial all wrote because it was of their unfaithfulness. In 30AD at his trial, Joshua stated he was God’s Son and the temple leadership, together with the people, took full responsibility for crucifying him.
When he died the temple curtain was torn in two, symbolizing the rejection of the covenant between God and the Jews and 40 years later the second exile occurred and lasted for 70 generations. This should be proof enough to the Jews that Joshua was God’s Son and so he now needs to be acknowledged as the Messiah by God’s special people. They then need to love and honour Joshua, accept and live to his teachings. In his mercy, God has again given Israel to the Jews for a third time and this may well be their last chance, before the coming of the Final Judgement. Muslims are descended from Ishmael, Abraham’s firstborn son and as such are part of Abraham’s family and they accept Joshua is God’s prophet and as God’s prophets do not lie and he says he is God’s Son then he is God’s Son. Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the same One and Only God and so should treat each other as brothers and sisters of their One Father.
Over 2,000 years the Christian leadership, just like the Temple priest who did not listen to Joshua, have all too often not taught God’s ways but their own interpretations. Joshua is the only Truth, the Way to God and eternal Life.
What is happening in our world now could very well point us to being close to the time of the second coming, when those who live to God’s ways will join him in his home, care for his world, and love one another. We need to bow the knee together and worship the One and Only God, Our Father in Heaven, honour his Son, Joshua and live to put a smile on God’s face.
My last comment or piece of advice is to talk directly to God, ask him questions, seek his advice. God is real and when you pray for something do as Joshua said, attach his name to your request, but in doing so make sure it is something that The Son of God would want his name attached to.
Our Loving Father in Heaven, we praise and honour you.
May what is done in Heaven be done here on earth.
Give us every moment of our lives a oneness with you.
So we come to know and love you more each day.
Enable us to treat others as we want to be treated.
May we be guided by your Spirit in our times of testing,
Rejecting evil and witness your love in all we do and say.
We ask this in the name of Joshua, your Son and our Lord
As you continued reading this, you must have found it interesting, so why not write down your thoughts and any questions you want answered. If you want to know more about God, and his ways why not ask the one who has all the answers? This is an example of what I might ask and as Joshua said keep it short and to the point.
Almighty God, Our Creator, My Loving Father help me to know and love you. Thank you for sending your son, Joshua so we all may know your ways and giving us all an example of how to live. May your Spirit rest in me, guiding me so I can live trying to put a smile on your face in all I do and say. Help me to understand …